Beeches Holiday Lets

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Beeches Holiday Lets

Broadstairs Water Gala 2020

Broadstairs seafront is a lively place all year round, with the lovely Viking Bay and its quaint jetty taking centre stage. Visitors have flocked to the shell-shaped beach here for centuries to swim, relax, eat, play and just stroll. We are also treated to festivals, fireworks and fairs throughout the season, making the holiday-maker and the local […]

The Shell Grotto, Margate

Way back in the 1980’s the writer of this blog was taken as a child to see the Shell Grotto in Margate. The uncomfortable memory has lingered on over the years, from the dark and dank atmosphere to the genuinely scary vibes and general sense of run-downness. The prospect of returning to the subterranean pit did not thrill, however […]
