Historic Deal Pier and Seafront

Easy to reach from the Isle of Thanet by car and train is the historic fishing town of Deal. Steeped in history, the town has strong naval and military connections, particularly with the Royal Marines. Its maritime background stretches back to the 13th century when, part of the Cinque Ports, it was known as one of the busiest sea ports in England. For tourists the town also boasts the tudor Deal Castle, built for Henry VIII, as well as the Maritime & Local History Museum. Older architecture in the town hails back centuries with some very picturesque Georgian and early Victorian streets, originally housing the maritime communities. until was In or out of season, its long bracing seafront is a great place to visit if you’re staying at Beeches Holiday Lets.

One of Deal’s main attractions is the Grade II listed pier, stretching out into the North Sea some 311 metres. Kent’s only intact leisure pier. it was constructed in 1957 and is admired by many for its striking mid-20th century design. As you walk along, its open structure lets you make the most of the fresh briny air and bright light. Even on a dull day, the light reflects off the sea and combined with the keen breeze it exhilarates all the senses. Hopeful anglers position themselves all along the length of the pier and one could sit for quite a while watching them. In fact, Deal Pier is an important site for angling sports, with major competitions on regularly.

A restaurant sits right at the end of the pier, with possibly the best sea views you could find. If you are lucky enough to be there as the sun sets you will find it simply enchanting. Built of timber and glass, the restaurant makes for a great destination and we hear it currently has a supper club to enjoy.

If you don’t fancy eating at the restaurant on the end of the pier, you won’t go wrong with fish and chips on the seafront. There are quite a few rival places in operation, ensuring the best is on offer. We’re sure you agree that eating fish and chips by the sea tastes out of this world! The pier is lined with plenty of seating for you to get the full experience, as long as the seagulls don’t pay you too much attention.

Also not to be left out are Art Deco styled seafront shelters that dot along the promenade. They are beatifully designed and have been there since the 1950’s regeneration that happened when the new pier was built. Even though the shelters are classic 1950’s and in the right light can look somehow space age, they do not jar with the Georgian and Victorian architecture they are surrounded by. The shelters are seaside eye candy and have been the subjects of many a glossy magazine photo piece.

Let’s not forget the beach itself, made of pebbles and fantastic for skimming stones. The pebbles shift about with the tides, creating deep shelves that in turn bring about dramatic, noisy wave breaks. Exploring what’s on offer while you enjoy your stay at Beeches Holiday Lets, Deal seafront is a brilliant place to spend an afternoon or longer. Parking facilities are central and the main train station is just 10 minutes walk from the front. If you do get the train, there is a bike hire shop next door if you are feeling more ambitious. Either way, you will return to your apartment rosy-cheeked and energised, ready to relax in style at your comfortable holiday let.
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